Thursday, July 26, 2007

Flying Zep

I sure would like to credit the person who created this Moving Picture Stamp. So far that person remains unknown.

Flying Prop

I sure would like to credit the person who created this Moving Picture Stamp. So far that person remains unknown.

Flying Jenny

I sure would like to credit the person who created this Moving Picture Stamp. So far that person remains unknown.

Wednesday, July 25, 2007

New Links

Well I've added a few more links. Please be sure to visit them.

Click Image to go to Blais N Stamps

Come this fall I'm sure hoping that I can be a little more pro active keeping my blog current.

Don Blais

Thursday, February 01, 2007

New Beginnings For 2007

Maybe this year will bring new life to this group. It's pretty lonley playing by myself. But I do enjoy my Thematic Bridge Collecting. Maybe for the fun of it you can visit the links and see what's out there. Since this site is not all that active it may be a good opportunity to participate here and not get bombarded with all the other spam stuff that you see on other group listings.

So please drop by and at least say hello.

Thank to All
